Granite Vases
There are many different sizes and styles of granite vases that will compliment any memorial a family may choose. Whether it is the traditional style of granite vases, or the specialty vases that the family is interested in, Centerville Monument Company can provide the perfect addition to the monument. All granite vases come in our standard featured granite colors, as well as other specialty colors that may be needed to match an existing memorial. Below are some examples of the different styles of granite vases available.
Granite Vase Styles Turned 1.jpg Turned Granite Vase 1.jpg turned sizes.jpg Turned Granite Vase Size Options sizes.jpg tapered.jpg Polish 2 Tapered Granite Vase tapered all polish.jpg All Polished Tapered Granite Vase all polish.jpg p5 sizes.jpg Tapered Granite Vase Size Options sizes.jpg Classic-Granite-Vase-Red_1331247194.jpg Classic Bahama-Blue-Beveled-Granite-Vase_1331229148.jpg Beveled Cross-Vase-Gray_1330637502.jpg Cross Heart-Granite-Vase_1331225539.jpg Heart Medium-Gray-Cowboy-Boots_1331247710.jpg Boot Medium-Gray-Tapered-Granite-Vase_1331306512.jpg Turned and Tapered Medium-Gray-Victorian-Granite-Vase_1331306958.jpg Victorian